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Can one open a popup/dialog from a plugin?

we would like to open a Popup in Coyo and render some HTML into it. Is there any way to do that? For the reasons: Let's say you have a plugin that requires a whole lot of configuration. With the Plugin adapter you can react to the onEdit action, which set's the plugin in an edit state and shows the configuration options. But now imagine you Plugin to be in the sidebar, right below the navigation, where there are like 270pixels of space available to show the configuration form. That is not a whole lot. So it would be real nice to show the configuration in a Popup not inside the I-Frame but inside coyo. I know that you have to find another way, to trigger the configuration popup, as there could be a lot of popus "onEdit" if there are a lot of plugins on the page. Another way would be to allow custom configurations during the "create" process of the plugin, when you add it to the page.

tl;dr: we want to show the configuration of our plugin in an popup which is not in the I-Frame but in coyo, is there any way to do that?

With kind regards
Chris Langenberg